Boys and Girls Village

Intensive Family Preservation (IFP)

Strengthening families

Intensive Family Preservation (IFP) is a short-term, intensive, in-home service designed to intervene quickly to:

  • Reduce immediate safety risks
  • Curb the risk of future abuse and/or neglect
  • Prevent the need for out-of-home placement

IFP is designed to empower and strengthen families, so they can survive traumatic situations. To achieve this, IFP staff visit the home a minimum of two times (five hours) per week for 12 weeks, offering interventions designed to:

  • Develop effective parenting skills
  • Increase self-sufficiency and coping abilities
  • Connect the family with needed community resources
  • Provide support and guidance to ensure safety in the home

Who IFP serves

IFP serves biological families, relative (kinship) foster families, and pre-/post- adoptive families living in the greater Bridgeport area with at least one child from birth to 17 at high risk of removal and/or placement disruption, and who are currently involved with the Connecticut Department of Children and Families.

For more information, call our Bridgeport office, (203) 330-6790 and ask to speak with the IFP program manager. You may also email us here.