Parenting Support Services (PSS)
BGV welcomes the addition of the Parenting Support Services (PSS) Program to our Permanency Services in Bridgeport, Norwalk, and surrounding areas.
PSS is a service open to any family with a child 0-18 years-of-age to support and enhance positive family functioning. PSS offers the evidence-based models, Level 4 Triple P (Positive Parenting Program®) and Circle of Security Parenting©. Families receive one or more of the PSS interventions along with case management services using the Wraparound philosophy and process.
Triple P helps parents become resourceful problem solvers and be able to create a positive and safe home environment for children to develop emotional, behavioral, and cognitive strengths.
Circle of Security Parenting (COS) is designed to build, support, and strengthen parents’ relationship capabilities so they are better equipped to provide a quality of relationship that is more supportive of secure attachment.
For more information, call our Bridgeport office, (203) 330-6790 and ask to speak with the Program Coordinator for PSS. You may also email us here or complete our online interest form here.