Boys and Girls Village

Quality Parenting Center (QPC)

BGV welcomes a Quality Parenting Center to our Milford main campus.

Quality Parenting Center (QPC) is a site-based supervised parent/child visitation program (Family Time) designed to provide a safe and comfortable place for parents to interact with their children. QPC staff utilize coaching and other strategies and interventions that provide parents with opportunities to learn and practice new skills to strengthen and maintain the parent/child relationship.

QPC is designed for families and children (from birth to age 12) who were removed from home due to protective service concerns. Sibling groups in which one or more children are over the age of 12 may still be served through this program, at the discretion of the Department of Children and Families (DCF).

QPC staff will implement the Visiting Coaching Model in their Family Time work. The four principles of Visit Coaching are:  empowerment, empathy, responsiveness, and active parenting. QPC staff will offer a range of coaching approaches and interventions based on the individual strengths and needs of parents and child(ren). The strategies include use of play, modeling, instruction, and rehearsal. The QPC program strengthens the parent/child relationship, promotes attachment, and enhances parental protective actions and capacities.

For further information, call our Milford office, (203) 877-0300 and ask to speak with our QPC Program Coordinator, or email us here.  You can also watch our informational YouTube video here.